Value Outcome Organizer
We assist the busy professionals or committees in every organization and corporation to deliver a value-based outcome of the event and tour that aligns with their organizational goals.
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Qualified Partner and Dedicated Team
We ensure top-notch quality services through a professional, passionate, and client-centric team that collaborates seamlessly with our reliable partners
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Legal and Certified Management
We ensure our clients' trust through strict legal compliance, safety measures, and adherence to industry standards
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Standardized Execution
We implement a standard project framework and procedures to ensure exceptional pre- and post-event delivery
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Premium Services
We provide excellent tailored services to our clients, reflecting both our premium standards and their expectations
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Our Best Service

Event Organizer

Start-to-finish support. Our event organizer provides comprehensive support for your event, covering every stage of the planning process, initial concept, logistics, or final cleanup. Our event organizer services are designed to assist you at every step of the way. With our team by your side, you can trust that your event will be a success.

Tour and Travel Organizer

Stress-free travel planning. Our tour and travel organizing services take care of everything you need from choosing a destination to finding the best deals on accommodations and activities,so you can focus on enjoying your trip. We also provide various domestic and international tourist destinations.

Why Choose Us


Premium Services

We offer premium services that encompass all the necessary aspects, from qualified vendors and certified manpower to a professional team, to meet our clients’ needs.



We are a professional team that is committed to providing outstanding service to our clients. We have a wealth of proven experience in delivering successful events or memorable travel experiences for our clients.


Complete Legalities

We understand the importance of adhering to all legal requirements when planning events or providing travel services. We take a comprehensive approach to ensure that all legalities are taken care of, giving our clients peace of mind and assurance that they are in good hands.


Cinematic Documentation

We take pride in our ability to creatively and engagingly capture real-life events, producing cinematic documentation that is truly memorable.

Our Portofolio

How we approach your event or your tour


Discuss event/travel plan


Plan the event or tour


Enjoy your event or tour


Pak Atqo Mardiyanto
Pak Atqo Mardiyanto
Sekretaris Utama BPS RI
Rapat Koordinasi yang dilakukan selama 2 hari ini sangat luar biasa sekali karena melibatkan seluruh kabupaten kota. Management acaranya sangat bagus mulai dari penjemput di Bandara, pengemasan acara dari mulai pembukaan, capacity building, gala dinner sangat baik. Mengenai sasaran ya tapi tidak membosankan, substansinya dapat tapi tetap menyenangkan.
Amanda Nur
Amanda Nur
Owner Loov Indonesia
Alhamdulillah grand launching produk loov ini bisa berjalan sesuai dengan yang saya inginkan ini tidak lain karena komunikasi yang baik dengan pihak Tourezia ya jadi keseluruhan acara mulai dari display produk yang sangat bagus dan photoboothnya tentunya sangat menarik. Stage decoration dan acaranya juga menyenangkan jadi undangan kami bisa enjoy sama acaranya.
Miss Merry
Miss Merry
UN Counter-Terrorism Centre (UNCCT)
I wanted to thank you again for the excellent support provided. It was great working with you. All the best for the future.
Pak Casidin
Pak Casidin
Kepsek SMPI Al-Azhar 3 Bintaro
Selama kegiatan ini, alhamdulillah aktivitas kegiatan-kegiatan di Jogja semuanya berjalan lancar, kegiatannya menarik, pendampingan handling dan sebagainya membuat kami alhamdulillah berjalan baik, dan pelayanannya luar biasa, semoga sukses selalu.
Ibu Ayati
Ibu Ayati
Client Reuni
Tripnya sangat menyenangkan, saya dan teman-teman merasa sangat happy ya dengan pelayanannya apalagi ditemani oleh team yang ramah, telaten dan asyik. Reunian jadi seru dan berasa muda lagi karena tim tourezia juga muda-muda.
Perwakilan BI Kaltara
Perwakilan BI Kaltara
BI Kaltara
Alhamdullah acara gathering jauh jauh dari kalimantan utara ke Jogja sangat menyenangkan ya, transportasinya nyaman, destinasi wisatanya seru dan timnya juga ramah dan asyik.

Our Client’s